
About Me

I am a 24 year old wife and mommy. I grew up with a far from perfect past and through Christ's grace and freedom in forgiveness I have become a women of faith. I met my husband in middle school and through out high school we were friends. My senior year of high school I was finally ready to be with a man who valued something other than partying. We started dating in February of '04 and were married three years later in February of '07.

Our marriage has been the greatest thing to ever happen to me. He is a true man of God who holds me accountable to the Lord. He is a leader, a strict father and a man who tells me to stop gossiping even when I dont want to hear it. Through my husband I was exposed to a stable functional family and what that kind of love was. I also learned what a true believer of Christ is called to do with their lives. I lived most of my life believing but was not willing to surrender my life to God. The Lord has made himself so evident to me. He blessed my husband and I with our first son in November of '08 who we named Cayden Robert.

Cayden has been such an eye opener for me and it's unbelievable the amount of love a mother feels for their children. I often wonder if it is possible to love anyone more! My baby boy and my husband are my life. My husband is an software developer and has been given an amazing job that allows him to work from home and allows me to be home with our angel.

I also enjoy the beauty business. I am a beauty school drop out who still loves the art of cosmetology. I got to know one of my best friends in cosmo. school. We have raised our children together and shared in a lot of the same life crisis' together. Also she keeps me looking beautiful, Im very thankful to have a licensed cosmo as a friend!

I have a long time group of friends who have always been their urging me back to the cross! They were my rocks before I started dating my husband. I met Sachi in 2nd grade, Vanessa in 6th and my Maid of Honor Tamara in 8th grade. We pray together, grow together, and are constantly missing each other. We have watched each other's hearts break, danced at weddings together, and stayed up all night with each other. Its great to have friends who when your having a problem will send you an email with a scripture attached that helps you through your day. God has blessed me with amazing friends.

My life is based on the relationships I have with others. I want to be a light. A soldier for God who strives everyday to grow in Him. I cant express the change my life has had since giving my life over to Christ via "about me" page but it has been an incredible ride! I want to be a part of changing the world. I want to share what I have learned so far and hopefully help some people along the way.