
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Parents, remember that now is your opportunity; you may feel yourself harassed as you struggle through the days with an unruly child, but you are living the happiest and the most golden years of your life. As you tuck them into their beds at night, please be kind to them. Let them hear a kind voice amid all the angry, vile voices that they will hear throughout life. Let there be an anchor to which these little ones can turn when all else fails. The Lord help you so to do.

-Harold B. Lee

Monday, January 10, 2011

Our new baby

I am 15 weeks along and finally gained 2 lbs. Im over joyed by this because up until 2 weeks ago I hadn't kept anything down. At the lowest the scale was telling me I was down 7 lbs. it worried me but apparently the baby is doing fine. We find out what we are having on the 21st of January and I'm excited to be able to tell Cayden if he will have a baby brother or sister.

I already have been researching room themes. For Cayden Im going to do a modern Grey theme with black and white shelves. I found inspiration from a room featured on Spearmint baby. For the baby Ill have to wait and find out what we are having but I have so many ideas for both sexes.

We also need to find a rental home. I know I cant do the move in my 3rd trimester so we are starting to look. Homes in Transition has been a blessing to us and as of the end of Februrary we will have paid off all unnecessary debt including student loans. Once we move into a rental we will focus on paying our car off and save for a down payment towards the next house we want to buy. We're thinking we will rent for 1 year and then start looking for a new home.

There are so many changes taking place in our lives and Im super excited for all that God has planned. Right now the most exciting change is our precious children. One growing daily and making my pants tighter and tighter and the other speaking in full sentences and telling me "c'mon mommy watch me play choo choo train". Cayden keeps me laughing everyday. He teaches me patience and how to be selfless. He is wonderful and crazy all it the same moment.

I'm glad God has shown me my purpose and Im grateful to be able to be home with my beautiful boy and one on the way. I cant imagine life any other way. I thought it was time to share my growing belly with the internet so I included some cell phone photos I have taken below. (Please dont pay attention to the faces Im not good at taking photos of myself. I never know if I should smile or stick my tongue out)

9 Weeks

12 weeks (worst face should have smiled)

15 weeks