We bought a house! Its a beautiful 4 bedroom custom home on a 1/2 acre. It has a gorgeous view of the sandias and I couldn't ask for more in a house. I am most excited about having a home again. We have been doing Homes in Transition for 8 months now I cant wait to just settle in to a house again. I miss the feeling of being unpacked. I miss painting. Most of all I miss not making my bed which was rare anyways but I promise I will not be making my bed for at least a month once we move in.
God has blessed us so much with the opportunity to do homes in transition which helped us to pay off a good chunk of debt and save a good down payment for our house. He blessed us with great tenants in our rental home and most of all brandons amazing job which allows him to move or be anywhere and still work! I have two healthy babies...can I still call Cayden a baby? #2 is kicking away as I type and I can tell already is going to be very active and #1 is behaving pretty well for the most part. I cant wait to see Cayden as a big brother!
Right now Im filling my time with getting rid of stuff. Im anxious to get moving. We dont close until April 30th which seems like forever but I know it will fly by. In the mean time I have been feeling this overwhelming need to organize and get ready for our 2nd child. I cant do anything to prepare for him though. It's killing me!
Im going to have Cayden and the baby share a room. I have so much furniture to sell and a nursery/bedroom I need to design and purchase. Its exciting but overwhelming! I feel like I need to do it all now because when we move I will be 2 months from my due date. Oh well I know it will all get done and I need to stop obsessing.
Ok Im going to go eat a fruit pizza. THE END
Send anything you need to get rid of our way! lol... what furniture are you selling? Let me know so I can buy it off of you (hehehe) I am SO happy for you guys!! The house is sooooo beautiful! xoxo