After reading the book of Job I have been overwhelmed with thinking about how much I take for granted. I spend so much money each week on groceries when my pantry and refrigerator is pretty much full. We go out to eat once on the weekend and we spend miscellaneous money on entertainment and stuff of that sort. We spend in one weekend what families in other countries spend in a month. So personally I feel called to change my way of life and start serving His Kingdom the way God has called us to.
Compassion International exists as a Christian child advocacy ministry that releases children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enables them to become responsible, fulfilled adults. Compassion International offers many ways to help. You can sign up and sponsor a child for the length of his childhood for $38/month. Which allows you to form a long term relationship with with the child of your choice. You receive pictures, and letters from your sponsored child and are able to write them letters via snail mail or email. You can also sponsor a baby for $20/mo. and partner with them to rescue, nurture and disciple children during the critical early childhood years. For a one time gift to Compassion’s Child Survival Program you can help to provide pregnant mothers enrolled in the program access to a skilled birth attendant, a provision that saves many lives. In most communities, this involves helping the mother receive care at a local hospital or clinic (including transportation and health care costs). In some rural areas, a skilled birth attendant may provide a safe delivery at the home. I personally Love this organization and have been working with them since November of '09. We love receiving mail from Adrian (our sponsor child) and Cayden loves to look at his picture.
Food Pantry
A Food Pantry distributes non-perishable food items and clothing to the the community. Along with the donation of non-perishable food items, clothes, baby items, blankets, and hygiene products, the food pantry also accepts financial donations to fund their outreach. You can drop off food at almost any church in your area and during the month of February at your local Smith's grocery store.
You can donate money and send things to soldiers over sea. May 31st is Memorial Day and it is important that the men and women who are fighting for us know they are appreciated. This company is helping to maintain and generate Soldier contacts, Create cooperative and useful alliances withmanufacturers and distributors of items that are requested by the Soldiers, they are working to improve delivery methods for your care packages, and they support wounded warriors.
Gift Cards
A quick and easy way to give back is to buy $25 worth of McDonald's gift cards broken in to $5 increments and keep them with you in your purse. Than when you see the guy on the side of the road asking for money you can hand them a card with enough money on it to buy himself a meal. Although we are not suppose to judge others intentions sometimes it is hard for me to hand over cash. Plus, I never have cash on me.
Haven House is the domestic violence services provider and emergency shelter serving all of Sandoval County, and is located in Rio Rancho, NM. It is a five-bedroom shelter that can provide housing for approximately 20 women and children. They provide an array of services to victims of domestic violence including 24/7 crisis intervention, legal advocacy, case management, community and shelter support groups, individual counseling for victims and child-witnesses, life skill programs for victims and their children, and community education and training.
If you shop at Albertson's, 1% is donated to Haven House. The donations can go up to 5% for large quantities of merchandise purchased. It is very easy. When you shop, just hand your Haven House -Albertson's Communtiy Partners card to the cashier and Haven House gets credit for 1% of your purchase. You can call 896-4869 or email to if you would like to receive an Albertson's card.
Support Haven House by shopping at and a donation is made to Haven House. Over 50 websites are featured but the most popular are:, Ebay,, Best Buy, Dell, HP, JC Penney, Macy's, Lands'End, Wal-mart, etc.. Various percentages of your total amount spent will be donated
Haven House is registered with EcoPhones, an agency that supports non-profits by encouraging them to recycle. HH. ships them the recyclable items (cell phones, Ipods, laptop computers, printer cartridges) and EcoPhones pays HH a small amount for them. If you have any of those items, please call the Shelter Manager, Brian Demone to schedule a pick -up for your donations.
In conclusion there are many inexpensive ways to help others. I more or less am posting this blog to help hold myself accountable to make a change and strive to give instead of take. I want my son to be humble and know that there are many out there who have much less than he. I expect him to be grateful for his blessings but if he does not see his father and I making and effort to serve than he wont. I hope it strikes a match in your heart!

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